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Document Details :

Title: Interreligious Worship in Friesland
Subtitle: A Discourse Analytical Approach
Author(s): WIJSEN, Frans , NICOLAY, Corry
Journal: Studies in Interreligious Dialogue
Volume: 20    Issue: 1   Date: 2010   
Pages: 58-78
DOI: 10.2143/SID.20.1.2050495

Abstract :
In response to growing hostility against Muslims, Interreligious Worship (IW) services have been held in Friesland annually since 21 March 1993. These services are watched anxiously by the leaders of various religious communities. They fear loss of identity and orthodoxy, and possible market share. The question this article attempts to answer is: What is going on in IW? Its aim is to gain insight into the attempt to define what IW is all about. The method used to achieve the aim is critical discourse analysis (CDA).

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