5 - 23 - 
The Analysis of Norms in Statements on Interfaith Relations
HAAS, Simon M.

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24 - 41 - 
The Interreligious Dialogue of Martial Arts in Kerala

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42 - 57 - 
Secular Government and Interfaith Dialogue
A Regional Asia-Pacific Initiative
PRATT, Douglas

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58 - 78 - 
Interreligious Worship in Friesland
A Discourse Analytical Approach

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79 - 97 - 
Inculturation and the Recognition of the Other
Matteo Ricci's Legacy in the Christian-Confucian Context
CHUNG, Paul S.

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98 - 104 - 
Authority in Buddhism and Christianity
8th Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, St Ottilien, Germany, 11-15 June 2009
MAY, John D'Arcy

abstract details download (open access)

105 - 119 - 
Book Reviews

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