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Document Details :

Title: La 'stèle de Saïs' et l'instauration du culte d'Arsinoé II dans la chôra
Author(s): COLLOMBERT, Ph.
Journal: Ancient Society
Volume: 38    Date: 2008   
Pages: 83-101
DOI: 10.2143/AS.38.0.2033271

Abstract :
A new translation of the so-called ‘Saïs stela’ shows that the entire document concerns the institution of the cult of Queen Arsinoe II in the chôra in the 20th year of Ptolemy II. This event can be linked with the assigning of part of the apomoira to the same cult in year 21 and with some economical measures taken in the same period. Since the cult of Arsinoe II had been first established in Alexandria some five years earlier, the initial reason for instituting it must be interpreted as a mere family matter. It would appear that the will to include the Egyptian population in her worship only arose at a later date.

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