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Document Details :

Title: L'arredo statuario del complesso archeologico di Agnano
Subtitle: Scultori a Napoli nel II sec. d.C.
Author(s): CRISTILLI, Armando
Journal: BABESCH
Volume: 83    Date: 2008   
Pages: 171-185
DOI: 10.2143/BAB.83.0.2033106

Abstract :
The four ideal sculptures (Venus Felix’s type; Ganymede and Eros group; armoured Venus and Eros group; Hermes and child Dionysus group) at the frigidarium of the bath at Agnano, situated at the 3rd mile along the Via Puteolis-Neapolim, offer useful elements to identify sculptors’ workshops active in Naples during the Roman period. All of these sculptures are dated to the middle of the 2nd century AD, are made of the same type of marble; they share congruent aesthetics, as well as stylistic and technical features. This may lead to argue that they belong to one specific workshop, likely to have been from Naples.

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