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Document Details :

Title: Oude Testament
Journal: Bibliotheca Orientalis
Volume: 55    Issue: 3-4   Date: mei - augustus 1998   
Pages: 487-497
DOI: 10.2143/BIOR.55.3.2015869

Abstract :
MORROW, William S. — Scribing the Center: Organization and Redaction in Deuteronomy 14:1 - 17:13. (The Society of Biblical Literature, Monograph Series, 49). Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1995.

TALSHIR, Zipora — The Alternative Story of the Division of the Kingdom: 3 Kingdoms 12:24 A-Z. (Jerusalem Biblical Studies). Simor Ltd., Tel Aviv, 1993.

KOOLE, Jan L. — Isaiah. Part III, Vol. 1: Isaiah 40-48. (Historical Commentary on the Old Testament). Kok Pharos Publishing House, Kampen, 1997.

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