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Document Details :

Title: Faraonisch Egypte
Journal: Bibliotheca Orientalis
Volume: 59    Issue: 5-6   Date: september - december 2002   
Pages: 486-522
DOI: 10.2143/BIOR.59.5.2015689

Abstract :
SPALINGER, Anthony John — The Private Feast Lists of Ancient Egypt. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 57) Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1996.

PEDEN, A.J. — The Graffiti of Pharaonic Egypt (Probleme der Ägyptologie, 17). E.J. Brill Publishers N.V., Leiden, 2001.

MOSHER, M. Jr. — The Papyrus of Hor. British Museum Press, London, 2002.

O’CONNOR, David and Eric H. CLINE(eds.) — Amenhotep III. Perspectives on His Reign. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 1997.

CHAPPAZ, J.-L., S. VUILLEUMIER — «Sortir au jour» Art égyptien de la Fondation Martin Bodmer. Société d’Égyptologie de Genève, Grand Saconnex, 2001.

HÖLZL, Regina — Ägyptische Opfertafeln und Kultbecken. Gerstenberg Verlag Hildesheim, 2002.

KANAWATI, N., M. ABDER-RAZIQ — The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, Vol. VI: The Tomb of Nikauisesi. (The Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 14). Aris & Phillips Ltd., Warminster 2000.

korte aankondigingen:

TIRADRITTI, F. — Ancient Egypt. British Museum Press, London, 2002.

DECKER, W, FÖRSTER, F. — Annotierte Bibliographie zum Sport im Alten Aegypten II: 1978-2000 (Nikephoros Beihefte, 8). Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Hildesheim, 2002.

BARTA, M. — Memories of 4500 Years ago. Czech Inst. of Egyptology, Praha, 2002.

WELSBY, D.A. — The Kingdom of Kush. The Napatan and Meroitic Empires. British Museum Press, London, 2002.

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