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Document Details :

Title: An Introduction to the Influence of Flemish on the French of Brussels
Subtitle: Morphology and Syntax
Author(s): CASSANO, Paul V.
Journal: Orbis
Volume: 36    Date: 1991-1993   
Pages: 162-202
DOI: 10.2143/ORB.36.0.2012806

Abstract :
This article continues and terminates our introduction to the influence of Flemish on the French of Brussels, Belgium. The first installment of our introduction was focused on the area of phonology (both segmental and supra-segmental, with an emphasis on the former) and involved the critical evaluation of a number of influence claims advanced by Hugo Baetens Beardsmore in his book entitled: Le français régional de Bruxelles (1971). Many of the phonological features imputed by Baetens Beardsmore to Flemish influence show parallels with similar features in continental French — both normative and non-normative —, in North American French (particularly similarities with features in Canadian French and in Louisiana French), and with the French of other varieties which fall within the domain of the French fact. Needless to say, these other varieties of French not in contact with Flemish constitute a problem in that these parallels referred to require a different explanation. Much the same holds true in relation to the influence claims advanced by Baetens Beardsmore in the realms of morphology and syntax.
We intend to furnish a summary of earlier investigations conducted by us, with a view to offering the reader some important background relative to our present topic. The most relevant background involves our study of some morphological claims relating to the influence of English on the French of Windsor, Ontario, Canada (Cassano 1978) and our study of some morphological and syntactic claims relating to the influence of English on the French of La Fayette, Louisiana (Cassano 1982 [1985]).

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