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Document Details : Title: 'Zwiespalt' und 'Zugzwang' Subtitle: Katholische Frauen und die Beichte Author(s): SILBER, Ursula Journal: Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research Volume: 4 Date: 1996 Pages: 84-95 DOI: 10.2143/ESWTR.4.0.2002997 Abstract : There is an exodus today of catholic women away from the confessional. At the same time it is the women who do the major part of the daily work of reconciliation, a work neither acknowledged by themselves nor honoured by the institutional Church. Ursula Silber has interviewed women about their experience of going to confession when they were girls and about their present way of dealing with the confession. She found a large ambivalence and discrepancy between the solutions women find for themselves and what they feel they have to pass on to their children in their roles as mothers and catechists. Consequences for theology and pastoral care can be drawn from the experience and perspectives of the interviewed women. |