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Document Details : Title: Momente des '(Auf)erstehens' Subtitle: 'Moderne und Postmoderne' unter feministisch-theologischem Verdacht Author(s): KORTE, Anne-Marie Journal: Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research Volume: 4 Date: 1996 Pages: 62-83 DOI: 10.2143/ESWTR.4.0.2002996 Abstract : Korte's article reflects on the question what significance the shift from modernity to postmodernity assumes for feminist theology. In order to substantiate her conviction that the allegedly necessary choice between a modern and a post-modern frame of reference is not unavoidable, Korte analyzes two crucial notions of post-modernism: the dissolution of the 'Subjekt' and of all claims to universal truth. She shows that post-modern thinking is not in itself more receptive to feminist questions than modern thought and that the philosophical and theological attempts to overcome the 'Subjekt' still assume an androcentric perspective. She opts for a stance of reflected ambiguity, of appropriation and distance towards post-modernism. This position enables feminist theology to overcome the dichotomies of universalism vs. particularity and of self-assurance vs. loss of self; it results in a feminist search for growing inclusiveness and a reflection of identity experienced in 'moments of resurrection to resistance'. |