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Document Details : Title: Vom Erobern des Selbstverständlichen und dem Willen zur Berührung Subtitle: Überlegungen zum Gespräch zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaften Author(s): JACKELÉN, Antje Journal: Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research Volume: 4 Date: 1996 Pages: 28-41 DOI: 10.2143/ESWTR.4.0.2002993 Abstract : Antje Jackelén's subject is the interrelation between science and theology and the part a woman/feminist theologian can play in the interdisciplinary dialogue. This part she sees as a constant effort for 'conquest of the self-evident', i.e. a place at the discussion roundtable and the right to speak. Jackelén shows chances and pitfalls of theological speech vis-a-vis a scientific world view. What is to be avoided is a 'god of the gaps' as well as new syntheses of theology and science that bear totalitarian tendencies. But there exists a common ground for dialogue, as natural science as well as theology talk about infiniteness and space and time. Dealing with infiniteness, both touch on the finiteness of human existence - and should be willing to be touched by it! Our way of thinking should not primarily be concerned to set up boundaries but to tear them down, an attitude which might be inspired by God's line-crossing action in Christ. At the boundaries, theology has the twofold task of criticizing all undue reductions and of securing a forum of public dialogue against all tendencies of privatization. Not theology alone but natural science as well are challenged by the widespread subjectivism that declares truth a matter of individual experience rather than common insight. |