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Document Details :

Title: The Popularity of Painting Sport Scenes on Attic Black and Red Figure Vases
Subtitle: A C.V.A.-based Research - Part A
Journal: BABESCH
Volume: 71    Date: 1996   
Pages: 59-94
DOI: 10.2143/BAB.71.0.2002274

Abstract :
The contents of the article is constructed as follows: after the quantitative treatment of the popularity of picturing sport scenes in general (IV), the data of the specific graphics (generally one for each sport, in the last series one for each quarter of a century) are considered (V). This is preceded by an explanation of the selection criteria, by which scenes were or were not included in this research, and the criteria used to distinguish the pictures of the different sports (II). A list of all selected pictures follows (III). Chapter II is of considerable length, but because of the character of the information it has more than just an introductory significance for this article. It may help to differentiate the scenes with sport or not in another context, and to decide which sport is meant in doubtful cases. In the shorter “Part B”, the interesting problems of the combination of several sports in one scene/on one vase (VI) and of the large number of vases with sport scenes that were exported (VII) will be studied. In addition, some suggestions to explain the many remarked-upon phenomena, the evaluation of numerous existing suggestions to explain the popularity of (picturing) sport in general and the different sports in particular will also receive attention5 (VIII). A general conclusion will round-off the article (IX).

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