1 - 113 - 
Spirituality - a Multifaceted Phenomenon
Interdisciplinary Explorations

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115 - 125 - 
Kontemplatives Schriftverständnis
Zur Wechselbeziehung von kontemplativer Übung und Schriftverständnis

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127 - 146 - 
Moses as Mystic
SPENCER, Michael D.

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147 - 184 - 
The Mystical Experience of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
RAJA RAO, Thelagathoti J.

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185 - 196 - 
Presiding at the Liturgy of Charity
Directing the Spiritual Formation of the Deacon

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197 - 205 - 
Leidenschaft und Disziplin
Zur Spiritualität der Praktischen Theologie
WIGGERMANN, Karl-Friedrich

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207 - 223 - 
Mystical Orientation and Psychological Type
An Empirical Study among Guests staying at a Benedictine Abbey
FRANCIS, Leslie J., VILLAGE, Andrew, ROBBINS, Mandy, INESON, Keith

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225 - 246 - 
'O Happy Living Things'
Healing Serpent Power in Coleridge's 'Rime'
MOORES, Donald J.

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247 - 266 - 
The Ruthwell Cross and the Dream of the Rood
Signposts for Pilgrims
PEZZINI, Domenico

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267 - 319 - 
Joseph Karo and Israel Ba'al Shem Tov
Mystical Metamorphosis - Kabbalistic Inspiration, Spiritual Internalization
ELIOR, Rachel

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321 - 353 - 
Book Notices

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355 - 356 - 
On the Authors

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