5 - 18 - | Freedom in Spirit and Interreligious Dialogue AMALADOSS, Michael | abstract details download (open access) |
19 - 34 - | Religion and Politics in Negative Mediation OZAKI, Makoto | abstract details download (open access) |
35 - 59 - | Globalisation and Civilisational Change Contemporary Challenges for Religious Response KLEIN GOLDELWIJK, Berma, DE GAAY FORTMAN, Bas | abstract details download (open access) |
60 - 73 - | Reflections on the Declaration of a Global Ethic JESPERS, Frans P.M. | abstract details download (open access) |
74 - 98 - | Beyond a Personal God? Shizuteru Ueda's Zen Buddhist Interpretation of Meister Eckhart NAGEL, Bruno | abstract details download (open access) |
99 - 113 - | The Unity and Diversity of Religions The Controversy Between the Holistic and Non-Holistic Theories of Religion VROOM, Hendrik M. | abstract details download (open access) |
114 - 128 - | Interreligious Dialogue From Principle to Praxis YODER NYCE, Dorothy | abstract details download (open access) |