259 - 281 - 
Averroes' Rewrite of Aristotle's Metaphysics Δ
Establishing the Plain Meaning of the Text in the Middle Commentary
HALPER, Yehuda

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283 - 313 - 
The Compilatio de libris naturabilis Aristotelis (Compendium philosophie)
Evidence for the Early Reception of the Glossa anglicana and of Adam of Buckfield's Commentaries
KUHRY, Emmanuelle

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315 - 364 - 
The Quodlibet of Richard Knapwell O.P.
An Introduction and Critical Edition
PERRONE, Massimo

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Gerald Ot (d. 1349) on Prime Matter
With an Edition of his II Sentences, Distinction 12
FRIEDMAN, Russell L.

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'Renaissance Scholasticism' Strikes Again
Nicoletto Vernia and the Debate between Medicine and Civil Law

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Table des noms propres

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Table des manuscrits

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