105 - 109 - | Laudatio pour le Doctorat Honoris Causa du Professeur Louis-Marie Chauvet Prononcée à Leuven le 7 mars 2007 par le professeur Lambert Leijssen, promoteur LEIJSSEN, Lambert | abstract details download pdf |
111 - 125 - | Une relecture de Symbole et Sacrement CHAUVET, Louis-Marie | abstract details download pdf |
126 - 142 - | Incarnation as the Ground of Authentic Sacramental Experience in a Post-Modern Context The Perspective of Rahner's «Copernican Approach» ONYEDIKACHUKWU, Okoro Tobias | abstract details download pdf |
143 - 156 - | Sacrament and Being On Overcoming Ontotheology in Sacramental Theology KIRCHHOFFER, David G. | abstract details download pdf |
157 - 169 - | Focusing Our Eyes on the Sacraments An Interaction with David Power SERVAES, Marianne | abstract details download pdf |
170 - 176 - | Bulletin bibliographique de liturgie | abstract details download pdf |