1 - 27 - | Monastic Wine Distributions in the Eighth Century Papyri from the Catholic University of America BERKES, Lajos, GONIS, Nikolaos | abstract details download pdf |
29 - 44 - | Philological Work on the Sahidic Gospel of Mark in the Ninth Century The Case of sa 123 BOUD'HORS, Anne, TORALLAS TOVAR, Sofía | abstract details download pdf |
45 - 67 - | 'In the Midst of the Children' A Proposed Reading of Gospel of Judas 33:18-21 BRAKKE, David | abstract details download pdf |
69 - 93 - | The Arabic Pen Trial in the Sahidic Holy Week Lectionary of the Bodleian Library ELHAGE-MENSCHING, Lina | abstract details download pdf |
95 - 100 - | Reconstructing and Editing the Coptic Bible The Münster-Göttingen Collaboration for a Complete Reconstruction and Edition of the Coptic Sahidic Bible FEDER, Frank, RICHTER, Siegfried G. | abstract details download pdf |
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113 - 136 - | Some Coptic Biblical Fragments in the Berlin Papyrus Collection HASZNOS, Andrea | abstract details download pdf |
137 - 142 - | Two Coptic Letters on Ostraka from Thebes HIDDING, Aaltje | abstract details download pdf |
143 - 150 - | A Letter by Bishop Abraham of Hermonthis to the Priest John, Abbot of the Monastery of Apa Ezekiel, in the Papyrus Collection of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin (P 12497) KRUEGER, Frederic | abstract details download pdf |
151 - 186 - | P.Berlin P.8316 (= BKU I, 21), ein koptisches Rezept zur Purpur-Imitation durch Krapp-Färbung auf gebeizter Wolle RICHTER, Tonio Sebastian | abstract details download pdf |
187 - 203 - | Naqlun N. 76/93 Cyril of Jerusalem, the Marian Dormition and the Sahidic Antiphonary SAWEROS, Ibrahim, VAN DER VLIET, Jacques | abstract details download pdf |
205 - 228 - | Coptic Epitaphs from Abydos VAN DER VLIET, Jacques | abstract details download pdf |
Review Article |
229 - 240 - | À propos du volume 34 du Corpus Papyrorum Raineri GAREL, Esther | abstract details download pdf |
Reviews |
241 - 264 - | Reviews | abstract details download pdf |