1 - 26 - | Fragments d'une homélie copte sur la Vierge Marie attribuée à Cyrille de Jérusalem [CPG 3603] (Le Caire, Ifao Copte 159-160, 302-304) NAKANO, Chiemi | abstract details download pdf |
27 - 32 - | SBKopt. III 1314 reconsidéré Une autre attestation des «solitaires»? BOUD'HORS, Anne | abstract details download pdf |
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63 - 84 - | The Creation of the Seven Archangels and their Hosts in a Coptic-Arabic Hexaemeron Attributed to Epiphanius of Cyprus MONFERRER-SALA, Juan Pedro | abstract details download pdf |
85 - 95 - | Nachtrag mit Korrekturen zum Phoibammon encomium (JCoptS 12, 2010, pp. 19-31) GROSSMANN, Peter | abstract details download pdf |
97 - 135 - | Dating Coptic Footwear A Typological and Comparative Approach SMALLEY, Ruiha | abstract details download pdf |
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