Volume 65, issue 4

393 - 416 - 
L'avenir de la Bible / The Future of the Bible
Ses risques, ses défis / Risks and Challenges in Teaching the Bible

abstract details

417 - 441 - 
Dialoog en bevrijding / Dialogue and Liberation
Aloysius Pieris en een Aziatische theologie van de godsdiensten / Aloysius Pieris and an Asian Theology of Liberation
GLORIEUX, Frederik

abstract details

442 - 460 - 
'Sinn und Geschmack fürs Unendliche' (Schleiermacher)
Reliogiosität als Existenzial bewussten Lebens / Religiosity as an Existential of the Conscious Life
WENDEL, Saskia

abstract details

461 - 490 - 
Over de onbescheidenheid en kwetsbaarheid van culturen / The Immodesty and Vulnerability of Cultures
Het multiculturalisme in de revisie bij haar genealogen / Multiculturalism reconsidered by his Genealogists
DE WIT, Theo W.A.

abstract details

491 - 492 - 

abstract details

493 - 508 - 
Book reviews

abstract details

509 - 509 - 
Books reviewed

510 - 511 - 
Books received