213 - 226 - 
A Note from the Editorial Board

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227 - 256 - 
Giles of Rome on esse and Essence as duae res
KIM, Chi-Fo

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Theories of Mental Being in the Later Middle Ages
259 - 288 - 
Theories of Mental Being in the Later Middle Ages
An Introduction
ANISIE, Alexandra

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289 - 317 - 
Representational Beings
Suhrawardī (d. 1191) and Avicenna's Mental Existence

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319 - 347 - 
Duns Scotus on What is in the Mind
A Roadmap
PINI, Giorgio

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349 - 369 - 
The Realm of entia rationis and its Boundaries
Hervaeus Natalis on Objective Being
GIRARD, Charles

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371 - 392 - 
Mental Gaze and Presence
Hervaeus Natalis, Peter Auriol, and John Buridan on Objects of Cognition
KLEIN, Martin

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393 - 415 - 
Francis of Meyronnes on Beings of Reason
A First Approach

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417 - 439 - 
Numbering the Divine Persons
Mental Existence of Numbers in Duns Scotus, Henry of Harclay, and Peter Auriol

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441 - 467 - 
Hic sunt chimaerae?
On Absolutely Impossible Significates and Referents in Mid-14th-Century Nominalist Logic
CIOLA, Graziana

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469 - 484 - 

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485 - 492 - 
Table des noms propres

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493 - 494 - 
Table des manuscrits

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