1 - 39 - | Thomas Wylton on the immobility of Place TRIFOLGI, C. | abstract details download pdf |
40 - 51 - | Good Fortune and the Eternity of the World Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus WILSON, G.A. | abstract details download pdf |
52 - 96 - | The First Oxford Debate on the Eternity of the World LONG, R.J. | abstract details download pdf |
97 - 106 - | The 'De Templo' of Bede as the source of an Ideal Temple Description in Eriugena's 'Aulae Siderae' PETROFF, V. | abstract details download pdf |
107 - 132 - | Paul of Venice on Individuation CONTI, A.D. | abstract details download pdf |
Bulletin de recherches |
133 - 146 - | Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? Bilan philosophique deu dixième congrès international de philosophie médiévale tenu à Erfurt du 25 au 30 août 1997 SPEER, A. | abstract details download pdf |
147 - 167 - | Recent Work on Meister Eckhardt Positions, Problems, New Perspectives 1990-1997 LARGIER, N. | abstract details download pdf |
Interview |
168 - 175 - | Entretien avec Alain de Libera AERTSEN, J.A. | abstract details download pdf |
Étude critique |
176 - 187 - | Aquina's 'Summa contra Gentiles': A Metaphysics of Theism? A Critical Study TE VELDE, R.A. | abstract details download pdf |