1 - 76 - | The Evolution of the Throne in Early Persian Painting The Evidence of the Edinburgh Jāmi' al-Tawārīkh DONOVAN, David | abstract details |
77 - 105 - | Das Kapitel 'ilm al-ariṯmāṭīqī aus der persischen Wissenshafts-Enzyklopädie von Faẖr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar BRENTJES, Sonja | abstract details |
107 - 123 - | Mānī ba 'arūs-i ḥaǧla-basta / dar haǧla-yi čār-sū nišasta The Ka'ba as a Woman: A Topos in Classical Persian Literature BEELAERT, A.L.F.A. | abstract details |
125 - 155 - | The Roman Universal Historian Pompeius Trogus on India, Parthia, Bactria and Armenia ALONSO-NÚÑEZ, J.M. | abstract details |
157 - 175 - | Book Reviews | abstract details |