Articles |
1 - 10 - | Sleepers Awake More Light on PSI I 65 MACCOULL, Leslie S.B. | abstract details download pdf |
11 - 63 - | Les «Confessions» poétiques d'Éphrem de Nisibe CASSINGENA-TRÉVEDY, François | abstract details download pdf |
65 - 91 - | John and the Emir A New Introduction, Edition and Translation PENN, Michael Philip | abstract details download pdf |
93 - 123 - | A 17th-18th Century Manuscript in Spoken Egyptian Arabic Part Two: Linguistic Notes PALVA, Heikki | abstract details download pdf |
125 - 152 - | Bāb al-Tawfīq Une porte du Caire fatimide oubliée par l'histoire PRADINES, Stéphane, DEN HEIJER, Johannes | abstract details download pdf |
153 - 181 - | On Some Definitions of the Art of Versification and Grammar in Byzantine and Georgian Literary Sources BEZARASHVILI, Ketevan | abstract details download pdf |
183 - 212 - | Geschichte und Lobpreisungen der Kronenträger Christliche Kriegsideologie, Toleranz und Weltherrschaftsgedanken in einer georgischen Chronik des 13. Jahrhunderts TVARADZE, Aleksandre | abstract details download pdf |
213 - 229 - | A Phenomenology of Armenian Studies The Discipline and the «National» Meta-polis DADOYAN, Seta B. | abstract details download pdf |
Bibliographie |
231 - 238 - | Comptes rendus | abstract details download pdf |
239 - 241 - | Ouvrages envoyés à la rédaction | abstract details download pdf |