Articuli |
5 - 65 - | Entstehung, Charakter und Herkunft des sog. westlichen Textes untersucht an der Apostelgeschichte ALAND, B. | abstract details download pdf |
66 - 88 - | Trinité et création L'approche de Schelling BRITO, É. | abstract details download pdf |
89 - 101 - | Recensional Differences between the MT and LXX of Ezekiel TOV, E. | abstract details download pdf |
Notae et Miscellanea |
102 - 117 - | Jesu Sebstzeugnis nach Joh. 5,19-30 in frühchristlicher Sicht MEES, M. | abstract details download pdf |
118 - 121 - | Jésus connaissait leurs pensées ROLLAND, P. | abstract details download pdf |
122 - 133 - | Mt 12,25a/Lc 11,17a et la rédaction des évangiles NEIRYNCK, F. | abstract details download pdf |
134 - 140 - | New Testament Vocabulary Corrections and Supplement NEIRYNCK, F. | abstract details download pdf |
140 - 140 - | Note sur les Actes des Apôtres NEIRYNCK, F. | abstract details download pdf |
141 - 154 - | Once More: The Making of a Synopsis NEIRYNCK, F. | abstract details download pdf |
155 - 156 - | The 'Neutrality' of Vertical-Column Synopses ORCHARD, J.B. | abstract details download pdf |
157 - 165 - | Q Bibliography Additional List 1981-1985 NEIRYNCK, F., VAN SEGBROECK, F. | abstract details download pdf |
Recensiones |
166 - 206 - | Recensiones | abstract details download pdf |
Chronica |
207 - 215 - | Health and Medicine in the Catholic Tradition McCORMICK, R.A. | abstract details download pdf |
216 - 218 - | 'Albertus-Magnus-Institut' Origines, objectifs, publications et projets WIELOCKX, R. | abstract details download pdf |
219 - 235 - | Dissertationes Doctorales 1984-1985 | |
Opera ad redactionem missa |
236 - 251 - | Opera ad redactionem missa 1985 | |
Nuntia |
252 - 254 - | Nuntia |