Commentationes |
481 - 498 - | Absentia Nominum Sacrorum in Libro Iob (Part II) The Examination of the Minuses of אל, אלהים, יהוה and שדי in LXX Job BEECKMAN, Bryan | abstract details download pdf |
499 - 524 - | The Literary Structure and Meaning of Psalm 84 MT BARBIERO, Gianni | abstract details download pdf |
525 - 535 - | Daniel 3 and 5 as Historiography GANZEL,Tova, HOLTZ, Shalom E. | abstract details download pdf |
536 - 558 - | Πεπλήρωται ὁ καιρός (Mc 1,15; cf. Gal 4,4; Ef 1,10) Irruzione apocalittica o compimento storico-salvifico FILANNINO, F. | abstract details download pdf |
559 - 581 - | Johannine Question-and-Answer Exchanges A Historical-Rhetorical Study of John 2,18-22, 8,46-59 and 10,30-36 TOPS, Thomas | abstract details download pdf |
582 - 593 - | Come diventare e non diventare discepolo La funzione della synkrisis tra Gv 5,1-18 e Gv 9,1-41 BIANCHINI, Francesco | abstract details download pdf |
594 - 606 - | 'Powers' in Rom 13,1-7 Angels or Magistrates? FOGIELMAN, Ch.A. | abstract details download pdf |
Animadversiones |
607 - 616 - | Does דרך Sometimes Mean 'Rule, Power' in the Bible? CLIFFORD, Richard J. | abstract details download pdf |
Recensiones |
617 - 638 - | Recensiones | abstract details download pdf |
Nuntii personarum et rerum |
639 - 640 - | Libri ad Directionem missi | abstract details download pdf |