Commentationes |
305 - 319 - | Acts 3,1-10 The Healing of the Temple Beggar as Lucan Theology HAMM, Dennis | abstract details download pdf |
320 - 334 - | The Function of Josh 7,1-8,29 in the Deuteronomistic History BEGG, Christopher T. | abstract details download pdf |
Animadversiones |
335 - 342 - | La mission de Pierre et celle de Jean Note philologique sur Jean 21 DELEBECQUE, Édouard | abstract details download pdf |
343 - 359 - | Le témoin qui demeure Le disciple que Jésus aimait DE LA POTTERIE, Ignace | abstract details download pdf |
360 - 362 - | Consideraciones críticas sobre Mt 15,35-36a O'CALLAGHAN, José | abstract details download pdf |
363 - 377 - | Michée 7,6 dans les évangiles et dans la littérature rabbinique GRELOT, Pierre | abstract details download pdf |
378 - 387 - | The Arm of God versus the Arm of Pharaoh in the Exodus Narratives HOFFMEIER, James K. | abstract details download pdf |
388 - 396 - | David und Uria Überlegungen zur Überlieferung von 2 Sam 11 STOEBE, Hans Joachim | abstract details download pdf |
397 - 401 - | Some Misplaced Words in the Hebrew Manuscript C. of the Book of Ben Sira BEENTJES, Pancratius C. | abstract details download pdf |
Recensiones |
402 - 439 - | Recensiones | abstract details download pdf |
Nuntii personarum et rerum |
440 - 449 - | Symposium on the Mythic in Israel's Origins | abstract details download pdf |
450 - 450 - | Pontificium Institutum Biblicum Annus academicus 1985-1986. II semestre | abstract details download pdf |
451 - 456 - | Libri ad Directionem missi | abstract details download pdf |