Commentationes |
1 - 25 - | Gab es einen vorpriesterlichen Meerwunderbericht? BERNER, Christoph | abstract details download pdf |
26 - 48 - | Wie deuteronomistisch ist der nichtpriesterliche Meerwunderbericht von Exodus 13,17-14,31? SCHMITT, Hans-Christoph | abstract details download pdf |
49 - 63 - | Herod's Age When Appointed Strategos of Galilee Scribal Error or Literary Motif? SHARON, Nadav | abstract details download pdf |
64 - 87 - | Colossians 1,17 'hold together' A Co-opted Term COLLINS, C. John | abstract details download pdf |
88 - 101 - | James 2,14-26 The Arrangement and Its Meaning ALETTI, Jean-Noël | abstract details download pdf |
Animadversiones |
102 - 116 - | Old and New in the Book of Numbers SKA, Jean Louis | abstract details download pdf |
117 - 123 - | Heavenly Chariots and Earthly Rebellion in Zechariah 6 ROGLAND, Max | abstract details download pdf |
Recensiones |
124 - 152 - | Recensiones | abstract details download pdf |
Nuntii personarum et rerum |
153 - 153 - | Pontificium Institutum Biblicum Annus academicus 2013-2014. I semestre | abstract details download pdf |
154 - 159 - | Libri ad Directionem missi | abstract details download pdf |