Volume 93

1 - 26 - 
Messapian Stelae
Settlements, Boundaries and Native Identity in Southeast Italy
D'ANGELO, Tiziana

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27 - 48 - 
Archaic Burials from Gabii, Italy
EVANS, J. Marilyn

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49 - 74 - 
The Chapelle Cintas Revisited and the Tophet of Carthage between Ancestors and New Identities

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75 - 92 - 
A Dourian geustērion
Scenes of Wine Production and Sale on Athenian Vases

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93 - 103 - 
Sileno prigioniero nella bottega
Mito e attualità nelle opere del Nikon Painter
PACE, Alessandro

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105 - 129 - 
Un nuovo vaso policromo e riflessioni sull'iconografia delle scene sui vasi di Centuripe
BIONDI, Giacomo, ROMANO, Francesco Paolo

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131 - 141 - 
Un rilievo votivo della Collezione Archeologica delle Assicurazioni Generali a Roma
Une nuova proposta interpretativa
VOLLARO, Lorenzo

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143 - 164 - 
Urban and Rural Landscapes of the Pontine Region (Central Italy) in the Late Republican Period, Economic Growth between Colonial Heritage and Elite Impetus
ATTEMA, Peter A.J.

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165 - 208 - 
Strutture rupestri di età romana nel territorio di Terracina (Lazio meridionale)
DI ROSA, Andrea

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209 - 216 - 
A Child's Portait from Augustan Period in the Archaeological Museum of Badajoz
OJEDA, David

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217 - 233 - 
Spolia Sicula
Reimpiego e riuso tra antico e moderno nella Sicilia nord-orientale
FUDULI, Leonardo

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235 - 254 - 
The Santa Prisca Project
Unlocking the Legacy Data of the Dutch Santa Prisca Excavations on the Aventine (1964-1966)
KRUIJER, Lennart Wouter, HILBRANTS, Jord, PELGROM, Jeremia, TAVIANI, Miriam

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255 - 281 - 

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283 - 284 - 
Books Received

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