1 - 7 - | Introduction MIDANT-REYNES, Béatrix | abstract details |
9 - 10 - | Stan: un homme libre Hommage à Stan Hendrickx (1954-2023) MIDANT-REYNES, Béatrix | abstract details |
Donner une voix aux sans-voix. Socio-écologie de la Basse Vallée du Nil du 5e au 3e millénaire BCE |
13 - 27 - | Giving a Voice to the Voiceless Investigating the Socio-Ecology of the Lower Nile Valley during the Pre-/Protodynastic (5th-Early 3rd Millennium BCE) VANHULLE, Dorian | abstract details |
29 - 46 - | The Potential of the Technological Approach to Track Down the Voiceless The Case of the Predynastic Egyptian Fibrous Ware and Levantine Style Vessels BAJEOT, Jade, BUCHEZ, Nathalie | abstract details |
47 - 72 - | Augmenting Current Understanding of Mobile Pastoral Communities through Landscape Analysis and Archaeological Research A View from the Egyptian Eastern Desert and the First Nile Cataract Region (5th-3rd Millennia BCE) BOURGEOIS, Marie, CRÉPY, Maël, GATTO, Maria Carmela | abstract details |
73 - 97 - | The Rock Art of the Eastern Desert of Sudan A State of the Art COOPER, Julien | abstract details |
99 - 117 - | Les Nagadiens et les autres Considérations sur les conditionnements et les stratégies d'exploitation du désert Oriental au prédynastique, à partir de l'exemple du ouadi Abou Soubeira (région d'Assouan) GRAFF, Gwenola, KELANY, Adel | abstract details |
119 - 132 - | A Brief Note on a New Painted Rock Art Site in Egypt's Eastern Desert ABDEL HADI, Amr, IKRAM, Salima | abstract details |
133 - 154 - | Research Put on Ice Rock Art Studies in Dakhleh Today and Tomorrow POLKOWSKI, Paweł L. | abstract details |
Études et essais |
157 - 169 - | The Vulture and the Headless Man Scenes of Violence on a Predynastic Prestige Object from Gebelein MORENZ, Ludwig D., BÜMA, Beryl | abstract details |