1 - 24 - | Qala'at Halwanji (Northwestern Syria), 2008-2009 EIDEM, Jesper | abstract details download (open access) |
25 - 31 - | Figurines en terre cuite de Qal'at Halawanji ISHAQ, Eva | abstract details download (open access) |
33 - 52 - | Notice sur la poterie de l'âge du bronze de Qal'at Halawanji (fouilles syro-danoises) AL-MAQDISSI, Michel | abstract details download (open access) |
53 - 92 - | The Earliest Neolithic Levels at Barcin Höyük, Northwestern Turkey GERRITSEN, Fokke A., ÖZBAL, Rana, THISSEN, Laurens C. | abstract details download (open access) |
93 - 111 - | Neolithic Burials from Barcin Höyük The 2007-2012 Excavation Seasons ALPASLAN ROODENBERG, M. Songül, GERRITSEN, Fokke A., ÖZBAL, Rana | abstract details download (open access) |
113 - 167 - | The 2009 and 2012 Seasons of Excavation at Çadir Höyük on the Anatolian North Central Plateau STEADMAN, Sharon R., McMAHON, Gregory, ROSS, Jennifer C., CASSIS, Marica, GEYER, Jeffrey D., ARBUCKLE, Benjamin, VON BAEYER, Madelynn | abstract details download (open access) |
169 - 195 - | Von 'Anatolia' bis 'Inscriptions of Ankara' Zwanzig Jahre Forschungen zum antiken Galatien (1993-2012) COŞKUN, Altay | abstract details download (open access) |
197 - 239 - | Satu Qala A Preliminary Report on the Seasons 2010-2011 VAN SOLDT, W.H., PAPPI, C., WOSSINK, A., HESS, C.W., AHMED, K.M. | abstract details download (open access) |
241 - 259 - | The Bronze Age Cemetery of Gâvur Evi Tepesi, Southwestern Turkey VANDAM, Ralf, KAPTIJN, Eva, POBLOME, Jeroen, WAELKENS, Marc | abstract details download (open access) |
261 - 276 - | Epipalaeolithic Marine Shell Beads at Pinarbaşi Central Anatolia from an Eastern Mediterranean Perspective BAYSAL, Emma | abstract details download (open access) |
277 - 296 - | Überlegungen zu Masaurhisas, einem König aus Tabal, und der Herrscherliste von Tuwana SIMON, Zsolt | abstract details download (open access) |