1 - 6 - | The Luwian Hieroglyphic Contribution to Anatolian Geography WOUDHUIZEN, Fred C. | abstract details download (open access) |
7 - 16 - | Dating the Neo-Hittite Kinglets of Gurgum/Maraş PORTER, R.M. | abstract details download (open access) |
17 - 59 - | Early Settlement in the Plain of Yenişehir (NW Anatolia) The Basal Occupation Layers at Menteşe ROODENBERG, J., VAN AS, A., JACOBS, L., WIJNEN, M.H. | abstract details download (open access) |
61 - 85 - | On the Shifting Border Between Mesopotamia and the West Seven Seasons of Joint Turkish-German Excavations at Oylum Höyük ÖZGEN, Engin, HELWING, Barbara | abstract details download (open access) |
87 - 102 - | Les fouilles du cimetière de Göndürle Höyük à Harmanören ÖSZAÏT, Mehmet | abstract details download (open access) |
103 - 174 - | The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) A Preliminary Report from the 2001 Field Season PARKER, Bradley J., CREEKMORE, Andrew, SWARTZ DODD, Lynn, MEEGAN, Cathryn, MOSEMAN, Eleanor, PAINE, Richard, ABRAHAM, Meg, COBB, Peter | abstract details download (open access) |
175 - 221 - | Archaeological Investigations at Ziyaret Tepe - 2002 MATNEY, Timothy, MacGINNIS, John, McDONALD, Helen, NICOLL, Kathleen, RAINVILLE, Lynn, ROAF, Michael, SMITH, Monica L., STEIN, Diana | abstract details download (open access) |