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Document Details :

Title: The Confirmation of the Promises
Subtitle: A Critical Note on Romans 15,8
Author(s): LAMBRECHT, Jan
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 78    Issue: 1   Date: April 2002   
Pages: 156-160
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.78.1.590

Abstract :
In his recent and most interesting New Testament Studies article Verheißung und Erfüllung im Lichte paulinischer Theologie Thomas Söding deals with promise and fulfilment in Paul, mainly by analysing passages from Galatians and Romans. A brief paragraph entitled “The Service of Jesus Christ to the Circumcision as Confirmation of the Promise for all Peoples (Rom 15,8)” concludes the section on Romans. This note will first present Söding’s understanding of Rom 15,8 of that paragraph. Then the major part will be devoted to a critical reaction. A conclusion and a brief reflection on Pauline theology will close the note.

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