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Document Details : Title: ΑΠΟ ΤΟΤΕ ΗΡΞΑΤΟ and the Structure of Matthew Author(s): NEIRYNCK, F. Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Date: April 1988 Pages: 21-59 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.64.1.556372 Abstract : In my essay on the structure of Matthew published in 1967 I gave a presentation, with some critical remarks, of the treefold divisio, of the Gospel as suggested in 1964 by E. Krentz: Mt 1,1-4,16; 4,17-16,20; 16,21-28,20. The observation that commentators had previously noticed the parallelism of form in 4,17 a,d 16,21 'but with emphasizing it' could be corrected with a reference to A.H. McNeile, N.B. Stonehouse, E. Lohmeyer and to the much older T. Keim. Now twenty years later, the situation is quite different. Krentz's hypothesis has found a vigorous defender in J.D. Kingsbury. His view is clearly argued in a 1973 article on 'The Structure of Matthew', reprinted with some additions in his book on Matthew (1975): 'An analysis of the broad structure of the Gospel reveals that it divides itself neatly in three principal parts: (I) The Person of Jesus Messiah (1:1-4:16); (II) The Proclamation of Jesus Messiah (4:17-16:20); and (III) The Suffering, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Messiah (16:21-28:20)'. |