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Document Details :

Title: Papyrus coptes de la Pierpont Morgan Library II
Subtitle: Lettre de condoléances d'une nourrice
Author(s): DELATTRE, Alain , PILETTE, Perrine , VANTHIEGHEM, Naïm
Journal: Journal of Coptic Studies
Volume: 20    Date: 2018   
Pages: 1-10
DOI: 10.2143/JCS.20.0.3284652

Abstract :
This article presents the first edition of a Coptic condolence letter from the Pierpont Morgan Library (P. Amh. II 188 descr.). The document is remarkable for two reasons. First, this type of letter is rare as only two other condolence letters are attested in Coptic so far. Secondly, the letter was written by a wet nurse, a profession that is barely attested in the Coptic papyrological material as well.

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