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Document Details :

Title: Flexibel maar met een kompas
Subtitle: Het dominicaans charisma in de hedendaagse theologie
Author(s): STEENVOORDE, Richard
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Theologie
Volume: 57    Issue: 4   Date: 2017   
Pages: 344-360
DOI: 10.2143/TVT.57.4.3262788

Abstract :
This article discusses if and how the Dominican charism influences contemporary theology. The Dominican charism is not understood as containing a specific spirituality or theology, but as a ‘way-of-life’, focusing on a task given: preaching and the salvation of souls. Next, the article focuses on Marie-Dominique Chenu op (1895-1990) whose life and work contributed to a renewal of Catholic theology ad intra as well as a renewal of Catholic theological engagement with the world ad extra. Chenu was a theologian who, drawing from his life as a Dominican, took the historical context of theology seriously and who was interested in the ‘craftsmanship’ of the theologian. Subsequently, the article discusses the reception of Chenu in modern forms of Thomism, liberation theologies, and post-postmodern theologies. It is critical of a-historical readings of Thomas in theology and philosophy, it recognizes the Dominican impulse in liberation theologies for an engagement with the world as it is, and it holds that the post-postmodern interest in the basic intuitions of the theologian, that which Chenu already spoke of in 1937, is a fruitful way forward for dialogue amidst post-modern fragmentation. In the third part, the article tries to assess how the Dominican charism might function as a critical partner in dialogue with contemporary theology. Its seems that each of the three aforementioned disciplines has a natural affiliation with a key element of the Dominican charism: study, engagement, and contemplation. The article ends in formulating some critical questions and raising several thorny issues, such as the relationship between the personal ‘way-of-life’ of the theologian and the content of the theologian’s academic work.

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