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Document Details :

Title: Under YHWH’s Veto
Subtitle: David as Shedder of Blood in Chronicles
Author(s): MURRAY, Donald F.
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 82    Issue: 4   Date: 2001   
Pages: 457-476
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.82.4.3200401

Abstract :
As grounds for YHWH’s veto on David’s building the temple, the charge of shedding blood, in Chronicles made against David alone (1 Chr 22,8; 28,3), poses questions both about what is being referred to, and how the charge explains the veto, given that in the Hebrew Bible no other Israelite warrior incurs the charge for killing in warfare. This article explicates the charge, highlights how surprising it is, and then develops a line of argument, drawn principally from Num 31 and 35, that can explain how the Chronicler understood the charge both to be warranted, and to justify YHWH’s veto.

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