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Document Details : Title: Alcune osservazioni sui rapporti commerciali fra Cartagine, la Sicilia occidentale e la Campania (IV-metà del II sec. a.C.) Subtitle: Nuovi dati basati sulla distribuzione di ceramiche campane e nordafricane/cartaginesi Author(s): BECHTOLD, Babette Journal: BABESCH Volume: 82 Issue: 1 Date: 2007 Pages: 51-76 DOI: 10.2143/BAB.82.1.2020762 Abstract : This paper focuses on the commercial relationship between Carthage, West Sicily and Campania from the 4th to the mid 2nd century BC. The analysis is based on the evidence provided by distribution patterns of ceramic finds (transport amphorae, black glaze wares). The archaeological documentation shows that the trade route connecting the Gulf of Naples with Carthage acquires importance not earlier than the mid-3rd century BC, but rather after the end of the second Punic War. The Roman conquest of the western part of Sicily opens the door to a massive exportation of Campanian wine. At the same time, the loss of two big Mediterranean islands forces Carthage to exploit more systematically its agricultural hinterland (large distribution of late Punic amphorae). |