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Document Details : Title: Luke 22,66-71 Subtitle: Jesus before the &Pi&Rho&Epsilon&Sigma&Beta&Upsilon&Tau&Epsilon&Rho&Iota&Omicron&Nu Author(s): MATERA, F.J. Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Date: April 1989 Pages: 43-59 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.65.1.556438 Abstract : The trial of Jesus of Nazareth continues to occupy the attention of the scholarly communion, and for a good reason. How people understand the condemnation and execution of Jesus inevitably affects the manner in which they interpret the significance of his death and apportion responsability for it. For example, if one concludes that the Jewish Sanhedrin condemned Jesus to death as Matthew and Mark report, one miight be inclined to place th burden of responsibility upon the Jewish leadership of Jesus' day. But if one is convinced that there was a Jewish collaboration at the highest levels but not a formal trial, one might pkace the responsibility for Jesus' death upon Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator. In either instance, there are further ramifications for interpreting the significance of Jesus' death. One who argues that the Jewish high council formally condemned Jesus to death might view this death as the result of a religious conflict between Jesus and Judaism, whereas one who places the responsability with the Roman governor might maintain that Jesus was rightly or mistakenly put to death as a seditionist. |