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Document Details : Title: Important Aspects of Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy that could not be Known on the Base of Husserl's own Publications during his Lifetime Author(s): KERN, Iso Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie Volume: 81 Issue: 4 Date: 2019 Pages: 631-655 DOI: 10.2143/TVF.81.4.3287346 Abstract : Given the limited space I have to elaborate here, I limit myself to six aspects of Husserl’s work that I consider amongst the most distinctive and philosophically productive features of his phenomenology and philosophy. All six would have been evidently unknown without the publication of his Nachlass in the Husserliana: 1. Husserl’s phenomenological analyses of the constituting embodied subjectivity (leibliche Subjektivität); 2. Husserl’s phenomenological analysis of representifications (Vergegenwärtigungen); 3. Husserl’s concept of Ego-consciousness (Ichbewusstsein); 4. Husserl’s conception of transcendental subjectivity as intersubjectivity; 5. Husserl’s conception of phenomenological philosophy; 6. Husserl’s metaphysics. In what follows, I briefly clarify each aspect in turn. My aim is only to remind us of the fact that it is not in the works published in Husserl’s lifetime, but only in his Nachlass that we find his reflections concerning these crucial aspects. In this article, I therefore restrict myself to referring to some important textual resources in that Nachlass, having to leave aside the extensive scholarship and secondary literature that some of these insights of Husserl’s have already generated. |