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Document Details :

Title: Ptolemy the Son
Subtitle: A Pretended Co-Regency?
Author(s): CRISCUOLO, Lucia
Journal: Ancient Society
Volume: 47    Date: 2017   
Pages: 1-18
DOI: 10.2143/AS.47.0.3242716

Abstract :
Ptolemy the Son has been much studied in the past. The problem of his identity has been considered as the most important aspect to investigate. This is true, but this article tries to focus more on another aspect which has been neglected: if there was a true co-regency between Ptolemy II and the Son or what kind of co-regency it was, in comparison with other cases from the times of the Diadochs and Epigones. This is possible through a new examination of the main evidence (for example I. Milet 139) and the updating of the chronology, thanks to P. Sorb. III 71.

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