Peeters Publishers (Leuven, Belgium) supports open access initiatives and offers a variety of OA models. All articles published in OA are peer-reviewed.
To protect the authors’ work and allow free distribution of their work, Peeters offers to use a creative commons license (public copyright license); the open license Peeters uses is the CC-BY-NC-ND (Creative commons attributions Non-commercial no Derivatives license version 4.0). This license allows users to download and share the OA article for non-commercial purposes, as long as the article is reproduced as a whole, without any changes, and the original authorship is acknowledged.
High-quality OA publishing requires either funding (via APC, funding, institutional subsidies, etc.) or substantial embargo periods. Peeters offers 4 different open access models:
The fully open access journal is immediately after publication freely and permanently available online. All the articles (version of record: the final published version) are published on our open journals platform and can be shared directly by the author on multiple platforms and repositories.
Africana Linguistica
Humanistica Lovaniensia
Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
Also referred to as self-archiving; the green open access allows authors to share the version of record (final published version) of their article on their institution or funder's repository. Green OA can be allowed immediately after publication or after a substantial embargo period, depending on the journal.
Some journals make their articles available after a substantial embargo period. The embargo period varies between various journals. After the embargo period, the version of record of all articles is made freely and permanently available online.
Bibliotheca Orientalis
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Études Phénoménologiques
Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies
Les Études Classiques
Logique et Analyse
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue
Authors of accepted articles can opt to pay an article-processing charge (APC) to make their final published version freely and permanently available online immediately after publication. This gives the author the possibility to publish open access in a non-open access journal. If in a subscription journal the author does not choose to pay the APC, his article will be published in the normal manner, and will not be made freely available online.
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