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Document Details : Title: The Potenza Valley Survey Subtitle: Preliminary Report of Field Campaign 2000 Author(s): VERMEULEN, Frank , BOULLART, Catharina Journal: BABESCH Volume: 76 Date: 2001 Pages: 1-18 DOI: 10.2143/BAB.76.0.71 Abstract : This article presents a new survey programme in the Central-Italian valley of the Potenza, initiated by researchers from Ghent University. The aims and methods of this long term project are briefly summarised, so are the results of the first field campaigns of May and September 2000. The potential of the large survey region is now fully evaluated and the project stands at the threshold of useful contributions to the protohistory and early history of Central-Italy. The intensity of fieldwalking techniques, the use of active remote sensing, the geoarchaeological approach and the association with parallel historical research in the area, all guarantee that this PVS-project can play a role in the current debate among archaeologists concerning long term evolutions of landscapes and ancient settlement systems in Adriatic and Apennine Italy. |