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Document Details :

Title: Intertextualité et hypertextualité en Jn 11,1-12,11
Author(s): KIESSEL, Marie-Elisabeth
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 81    Issue: 1   Date: April 2005   
Pages: 29-56
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.81.1.616501

Abstract :
This article analyses the relationship between the Johannine narratives of the raising of Lazarus and the anointing at Bethany and several synoptic texts (Mk 5,21-43 par.; Mk 14,3-9 par.; Lk 7,11-17; 10,38-42; 16,19-31). The investigation of this relationship uses the notions of intertextuality and hypertextuality. The analysis proceeds in three steps. The first consists in finding intertextual traces. In the second step, the purpose of the comparison of the action-sequences is to find out the existence of a hypertextual relationship. Finally, the examination concentrates on the transformations affecting both characterisation and action-sequence.

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