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Document Details :

Title: Religious Associations and the New Political Dispensation in Nigeria
Author(s): AYEGBOYIN, Deji
Journal: Studies in Interreligious Dialogue
Volume: 15    Issue: 1   Date: 2005   
Pages: 101-113
DOI: 10.2143/SID.15.1.583344

Abstract :
In spite of the fact that the secularity of Nigeria has been assumed since independence, religion has to a large extent continued to pull the strings of Nigerian politics. Quite oblivious to many, religious associa-tions within the two main religions, Christianity and Islam. have tremendously influenced the decision- making process of the government
This paper aims at highlighting the impact of these religious associations in the past as well as pro-viding policy recommendations that may enhance the career of these religious associations in the empow-erment of civil society and the consolidation of democratization in the Nigerian setting. An inventory of some religious associations which have played and are likely to play a significant role in Nigerian society and politics in the next dispensation is included. It is expected that these associations will show sensitivity and react accordingly, not only when their interests are touched but also whenever special needs arise. Ultimately, it is hoped that these religious associations will prove to be assets and not liabilities in the next republic.

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