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Document Details :

Title: The Chronology of the Iron Age in the Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
Author(s): OVERLAET, Bruno
Journal: Iranica Antiqua
Volume: 40    Date: 2005   
Pages: 1-33
DOI: 10.2143/IA.40.0.583198

Abstract :
The Belgian Archaeological Mission in Iran or “BAMI” was able to work in Luristan during many years on end. The BAMI was a joint initiative of Ghent University and The Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, and worked in close collaboration with the Iranian Archaeological Services. From 1965 until 1979, it was directed by the late Louis Vanden Berghe. During these 14 years, the BAMI managed to undertake extensive surveys and excavations in the Pusht-i Kuh region of Luristan. The finds of the excavations are now kept at the Iran Bastan Museum in Tehran. The field-notes and a limited study selection of the finds were deposited in the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels.

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