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Document Details :

Title: L'âme entre le cadavre et le paradis
Author(s): KELLENS, J.
Journal: Journal Asiatique
Volume: 283    Issue: 1   Date: 1995   
Pages: 19-56
DOI: 10.2143/JA.283.1.556560

Abstract :
This article is about the process and the speculative basis of the Mazdean access to the hereafter. The first part explains the mechanism of losing and recovering two mortal faculties, sensorial perception (baoδah) and mobility (uštāna). The second part shows how adherence to Ạša (artāvan) and eschatological serenity (šiyati) are two features of the human being acquired during his lifetime and definitely obtained in Paradise. The third part deals with the meeting of the ruvan and the dayanâ, conceived as a marriage between the masculine soul and the feminine soul of an individual. In terms of comparative mythology, these conceptions can be related to the close connection between the Iranian dayanâ and the Indian goddess Uṣ́ās.

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