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Document Details :

Title: Du mythe à l'histoire
Subtitle: Aux origines du chi'isme chez les Pạśtun
Author(s): BALLAND, D.
Journal: Journal Asiatique
Volume: 283    Issue: 2   Date: 1995   
Pages: 351-372
DOI: 10.2143/JA.283.2.556551

Abstract :
Principalement sunnite, la nébuleuse ethnique Pạśtun inclut cependant en son sein une petite minorité chi‘ite concentrée dans la partie septentrionale des Monts Solayman (North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan). Les mythes d'origine des trois tribus Pạśtun totalement ou partiellement chi‘ites suggèrent que cette singularité pourrait être un vestige de la propagande ismaélienne qui déferla sur tout le nord-ouest de la péninsule Indienne au Xe siècle de notre ère.

Although mainly Sunni, the Pạśtun ethnic complex does include a small Shi‘a minority which is located in the northern part of the Solayman Mountains (North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan). The origin myths of the three Pạśtun tribes which are now totally or partly Shi‘a suggest that their religious singularity might date back to the 10th century A.D., when Isma‘ili propaganda was prevalent in North-West India.

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