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Document Details :

Title: On Dispensing with Omnipotence
Author(s): MOONAN, L.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 65    Issue: 1   Date: April 1989   
Pages: 60-80
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.65.1.556439

Abstract :
The starting point of the present study is an acceptance of the contention of omnipotence currently on offer are too often seriously inadequate. What the study then argues for is the elimination of the (putative) notion of omnipotence in general, or omnipotence tout court, in favour of two coherent notions -of divine infinite power, and of ontological dependency on (it)- and an overall metaphysical scheme in which these notions may be deployed in order to accomodate with success the standard puzzles which omnipotence has commonly been thought indispensable for addressing.

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