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Document Details :

Title: Mark and His Commentators
Subtitle: Mk 1,1 - 8,26
Author(s): NEIRYNCK, F.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 65    Issue: 4   Date: December 1989   
Pages: 381-389
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.65.4.556427

Abstract :
Erich Klostermann's commentary on Mark, one of the classic synoptic studies during the first half of this century, is now replaced in the Handbuch zum Neuen Testament by Dieter Lührmann's Das Markusevangelium (1987). It marks the end of an era in the HNT tradition. The well-known condensed style of the commentaries by E. Klostermann on the Synoptics, by W. Bauer on John and, more recently, by H. Conzelman on Acts, has been abandoned for a more readable presentation. It remains a mid-length commentary, at least when compared with R. Pesch's monumental work of 1037 pages. Like other HNT commentaries, it contains a number of excursusesand some illustrative material in Beilagen, but no indexes.

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