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Document Details :

Title: Towards a Distributional Definition of Clauses in Classical Hebrew
Subtitle: A Computer-Assisted Description of Clauses and Clause Types in Deut 4,3-8
Author(s): TALSTRA, E.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 63    Issue: 1   Date: April 1987   
Pages: 95-105
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.63.1.556358

Abstract :
This article on the 'art of clause definition' might be best introduced by two contrasting definitions coming from two totally different works on the grammar of biblical Hebrew? P. Joüon simply begins his section on sentences with this statement: 'Une proposition se compose normalement d'un sujet et d'un prédicat.' W. Richter, after a long and theorethical section on clauses and syntagma's, concludes that a clause is: '... eine durch Pole oder/und P. gegliedertes Rangfolge-Gefüge einer begrenzten Anzahl verschiedenartiger Syntagmen, das als soches, oder in seinen Syntagmen erweitert und modifiziert sein kann.'

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