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Document Details : Title: How should κολλώμενος in 1 Cor. 6,16.17 Be Translated? Author(s): PORTER, S.E. Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 67 Issue: 1 Date: April 1991 Pages: 105-106 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.67.1.542217 Abstract : Many translations as well as a number of commentators render &kappa&omicron&lambda&lamdaώ&mu&epsilon&nu&omicron&sigmaf in 1 Cor 6,16.17 with the wprd 'unite' or 'join,' or something equally unobtrusive. For example, the RSV uses both: 'Do you not know that he who joins himself with a prostitute... But he who is united to the Lord...' Even the more independent Jerusalem Bible at this point has the rather weak, 'a man who goes with a prostitute... But anyone who is joined to the Lord...'. In the light of immediate context, in which Paul turnsfrom his statement that all things are permissible to the exception regarding prostitution, culminating in his rhetorical questions and answer &muὴ &gammaέ&nu&omicron&iota&tau&omicron (verses 15-16), as well as his following imperative to flee immorality (verse 18), it is surprising that the translations of &kappa&omicron&lambda&lamdaώ&mu&epsilon&nu&omicron&sigmaf are so anticlimatic. Most commentators recognize the shift in Paul's argument and the attendant emotion related to his bringing up the issue of the body and prostitution. As Conzelmann states, 'here we have a very different case'. |